1. Be regular and punctual. Ensure that you reach school by 8.40 a.m.
2. Wear proper school uniform with pride. Every morning students will be inspected for personal cleanliness and complete uniform. Strict action will be taken against defaulters.
3. No student will be permitted to go home before the school closes, without the Principal’s permission.
4. Use of foul language and bullying are punishable offences.
5. Carrying and using mobile phone, I-Pods is restricted in the school campus. The defaulters are liable to be expelled from the school. The same will be confiscated and a fine Rs. 1000/- will be imposed.
6. The students responsible for damaging and disfiguring the school property will be charged for damaging school property and disciplinary action shall be taken.
7. Students should obey house prefects, class monitors and others students on duty.
8. There will be no physical punishment. We will handle the situation with counseling.
9. Bring correct text-books/Note books for all periods as per daily time – table.
10. Make full use of the library. Maintain silence in the library at all times.
11. Keep your class room, school & environment clean and tidy.
12. Parents are requested not to visit the classes of their children. Should a parent wish to meet a teacher, he or she may do so, only with the permission of the Principal.
13. Students who are sick should not be sent to school even to appear in class tests.
14. The students should carry their Tiffin boxes and not carry money to school. Due to security reasons we do not accept Tiffins sent through servants or friends.
15. Leave for more 3 days shall be granted only with the prior permission of the Principal and no half day leave is allowed.
B.L. Central Public Senior Secondary School is an English medium, Hi-tech, Co-educational,
Day cum Residential school affiliated to CBSE Delhi.
BLCPS is a fusion of competent teachers, state of the art infrastructure, experienced and efficient
administration from the last Three Decades. The school came into existence with the vision of creating a safe and supportive environment of its students-to provide a perfect balance of academics, sports, artistic and many more social opportunities. Childhood, youth and learning should be a joy and we strive for that.